By Dixie Terry
The Tunnel Hill Unit of the Home and Community Education of the University of Illinois Extension held their monthly meeting on Monday, Nov. 20 at 7 p.m. at the Tunnel Hill Community of Christ Church
The meeting was called to order by First Vice-President Linda Kuykendall.
The minutes for October were given by Secretary Ann Stachowiak. The financial report was given by Treasurer Ann Ford.
The roll call was: “What Are Your Plans for Thanksgiving?” with most replies being spending time with family and cooking lots of food, along with some travel plans.
The lesson, “What to Eat, When You Can’t Eat That!” was given by Linda Kuykendall, who provided a hand-out that explained intolerances, allergies, sensitivities and their differences. The major food allergens include: milk, tree nuts, wheat, peanuts, shellfish, fish, eggs, soy and sesame.
Food allergies affect 11% of the U.S. adult population.
Several try-it recipes were included in the hand-out.
The Johnson County HCE units will be holding a chili supper fundraiser on Friday night, Feb. 9, prior to the high school basketball game at Goreville. All units are asked to donate desserts and other foods.
On Monday, Dec. 11, at 6 p.m. the Tunnel Hill unit will meet at the home of Beverly Bishop in Robinwoods, Lake of Egypt. Members can car-pool at 6:45 p.m. from the Community of Christ Church. This will be a Christmas potluck with each person to bring an appetizer or dessert and a gift to exchange.
The hostess for the November meeting was Patti Conway, who provided a tasty assortment of appetizers and desserts r.for the social hour.
Present were: Arlene Dueker, Joyce Frederick, Georgia George, Ann Stachowiak, Ann Ford, Phyllis Webb, Natalie Dougherty, Linda Kiykendall, Patti Conway, Dixie Terry, Beverly Bishop.