By Dixie Terry
Daniel Chapman Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) will celebrate Constitution Week on September 17-23, 2024. Please join us at the Vienna Public Library on September 17 at 3 pm for a special program.
There will be a bell ringing ceremony at 3 pm. All Johnson County churches will ring their bells at that time, to commemorate the signing of The Constitution.
Bells Across America is an annual celebration of the signing of the U. S. Constitution. Church bells were rung in Philadelphia at 4pm on September 17, 1787, to celebrate the signing.
Copies of The Constitution will be available at the event.
The Vienna High School FFA will present the colors and perform a flag-folding ceremony. Local author and historian Max Hutchison will be the guest speaker and will be presenting an interesting and informative program on The Constitution.
The amazing document was created by a small group of dedicated leaders in only a few months from a blank canvas, unique to the world, and it has stood the test of time.
The Daniel Chapman Chapter NSDAR will supply all Johnson County schools with literature and posters, so students may celebrate the signing of The Constitution.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed Constitution Week into law on August 2, 1956, after NSDAR led an effort to set aside a week annually to celebrate the signing of The Constitution.
A display of period articles will be available for viewing at the Vienna City Library during Constitution Week.
(Article information provided by Margaret Mathis, DAR chair of special events)