LOOKING BACK October 28, 1992
By Dixie Terry
The October 28, 1992, edition of the local newspaper offered a front-page photo of the New Patrol Guard Program members at the Goreville School. They are: Jackie Reed, Carrie Vojvodich, Andy Bozman, Christina Etheridge, Rachel Maze, Derrick Pearl, Casey Triest, Patrick Townzen, Bobby King, John Oakes, Richard Farris, Christine Bozman, Jennifer Nickerson, and Bill Baker.
The village board met on Oct. 5 in the conference room of the municipal building. Mayor Jenkins called the meeting to order. Present were Trustees Rolla Jenkins, Fred Suits, Tim Gage, Larry Vaughn, Omer Craig, Allen James, and Treasurer Roger Hume and Clerk Darlene Roach.
Pictured was Student Body President Rebekah Steinmetz and art student, Kelli Perkins, with the prize winning school flag. Helping fund the project were: Parents for the School; Booster Club; and the GHS Beta Club.
The Goreville Board of Education met on Oct. 19 with these members attending: Kenny Robison, Tom Hunt, Dale Bishop, Susan Edgren, Jay Franklin. It was voted to sell bonds to finance the project of repairing the bleachers in both the grade school and high school gymnasiums.
The Long Horn Restaurant is under new management, with Cheryl Douglas as manager and owners being Saundra and Jim Douglas.
Wayne Keeling won the prize of a plate lunch special from Triple E Barbecue, for identifying last week’s Mystery Photo, who was David Barnhart.
David Alan Barnhart was born in Union County on Oct. 22, 1959, to Wardell and Alta Caraker Barnhart. His brothers are Jim of Charleston, Mo. and Larry of Anna. His sister is Cathy Wright of Anna.
David attended Anna and Lick Creek schools and Anna-Jonesboro High School.
He was married to Christy Henderson on Sept. 3, 1982, at the United Missionary Baptist Church of Lick Creek. Their two children are: Jennifer, 7 and Mark 3.
David has worked for Meller-James Veterinary Clinic and continues there part-time and also works for Goreville Concrete.
He is a member of Union County Farm Bureau.
His hobbies include raising cattle and chickens.
Pictured were Krystal Short and Leslie Peas, who competed at Gateway Gymnastics American in St. Louis and brought home prizes for their competition.
And so it was, on Oct. 28. 1992, in Lake of Egypt and Goreville.