By Dixie Terry
The Johnson County Women’s club held their first meeting of the new club season on Wednesday, Oct. 2 at 1pm.
The meeting was held at the country home of Phyllis and Glenn Webb, with a potluck luncheon served outdoors.
PhyllisWebb. the new club president, welcomed club members and guests.
The group was led in singing The National Anthem by the guest speaker, Greg Webb, son of Phyllis and Glenn Webb.
Following the bountiful luncheon, Program Co-ordinator Rosemary Rouse introduced the guest speaker, and provided the following information:
Greg Webb is Vice-President of State Government Relations for Archer Daniels Midland Company.
He joined ADM in 1986, working in the North American oilseed processing business.
In July, 2002, he was named the company’s North American Trade Representative for grain and oilseeds.
He has served in his current role since October 2007.
Greg holds a bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics from Southern Illinois University of Carbondale.
He serves on the board of the Public Affairs Council; chairman of the board of the Illinois Manufacturer’s Association; and is chair of the Central Illinois Political Action Commitee.
Additionally, he serves on the Leadership Board for SIU’s College of Agricultural Life and Physical Sciences, as well as the SIU Foundation board of directors.
He was named Outstanding Alumnus at SIU-C in 2009 and received the 2022 Distinguished Service Award.
He was also the 2020 recipient of the ACES Award from the University of Illinois College of Agricultural Education. He is also active with the FFA and has served as president of the National Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity.
In addition to Southern Illinois, he and his wife, Colleen, have resided in Fredonia, Kansas, Camden, South Carolina, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, and most recently, in Decatur and Chicago, Illinois.
They have three sons, Ryan, Kyle and Michael and three grandsons.
Following Greg’s interesting and informative presentation oif “Life As A Lobbyist,” the club’s business meeting was conducted.
The roll call was “:Share One Interesting Thing About Your Summer,” which resulted in some humorous and unique replies.
Dues were paid and 2024-25 program books were distributed.
The minutes for the May meeting were read by Rosemary Rouse, in the absence of Secretary Judy Miller. The financial report was provided by Treasurer Barbara Smith.
Old and new business was discussed and with no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
The next club meeting will be held on Friday, November 1. at 1pm at Clyffe Cafe in Vienna, with lunch and a program on the cafe.
Those present at the recent meeting were: Natalie Dougherty, Maxine Ellet, Gladys Jackson, Lisa King, Jeanne McKenzie, Faye Mize, Rosemary Rouse, Barbara Smith, Dixie Terry, Geri Tesina, Cara Webb, Phyllis Webb, and guests, Greg and Colleen Webb, Glenn Webb and Phil Webb.
The club was organized in August, 1896, as The Vienna Woman’s Club, with 20 members and Mrs. W. A. Spann as president. In 2006, the club voted to change its name to Johnson County Woman’s Club and in 2014, it became the Johnson County Women’s Club.
Any Johnson County woman is welcome to join the social and philanthropic organization. Call for information from President Phyllis Webb at 618-995-2297.