By Dixie Terry
The Johnson County Home and Community Education (HCE) of the University of Illinois Extension and the Illinois Association of Home and Community Education (IAHCE) observed HCE Week on October 14-18.
Home-baked bread and cookies were provided by members for the staff of the U. of I Extension Office in Vienna.
On Tuesday, Oct. 15, “International Night” was observed at the U. of I. Extension Building for HCE members and guests.
A potluck dinner was served at 6:30pm, featuring dishes of Malaysia, the country that was the focus of the meeting.
A recipe book had been distributed earlier to members who were requested to prepare a dish from Malaysia.
Some American side dishes and desserts were also prepared by members.
Some recipes from the cookbook included:
Chicken with Black Beans, Red Curry Thighs, Beef Rendang, Spicy Noodles, Cauliflower Nasi Goreng, Half Moon Coconut Cookies, Durian Puree Cheesecake and Egg Cake. Copies of the cookbook are at the Extension Office.
The State Internati0nal Chair Janel Kassing was the guest speaker and provided a Power-Point presentation on her 2023 trip to Malaysia for an IAHCE Conference. Her sister was also a guest at the “International Night,”
The tables were covered with yellow tablecloths and centered with pie pumpkins, filled with a Fall flower arrangement, which were given as door prizes.
The Johnson County International Chair is Faye Mize, who is also the Travel Chair of the HCE board.