By Dixie Terry
The Johnson County Home and Community Education of the University of Illinois Extension held their monthly board meeting on Wednesday, September 4, at 9 am at the Extension Building in Vienna.
The meeting was called to order by President Natalie Dougherty. Also present were: Faye Mize, Phyllis Webb, Dixie Terry, Cara Webb, Kim Collins, Rosemary Rouse, and Betty Yandell.
A report was given on the August District Meeting, attended by Faye Mize and Phyllis Webb.
The HCE Week, to be held on Oct. 14-19 was discussed, with the International Night , featuring Malaysia, to be on Oct. 15 at 6:30pm, with a potluck dinner.
Plans were finalized for the Sept. 11 “All-Units Meeting,” a workshop featuring cooking on an air-fryer. This will be held at 11am to 1 pm with a lunch served, featuring the recipes used in the demonstration with side dishes provided by the board members. The demo will be via ZOOM by Extension educator Chris Juells.
Committeee reports were given by Kim Collins, Phyllis Webb, Dixie Terry, Cara Webb, and Faye Mize.
Rosemary Rouse provided the minutes from the previous meeting. Betty Yandell gave the treasurer’s report. Both were accepted for recording.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned. The next board meeting will be at 9am on Oct. 2 at the U. of I Extension Building.
The Longview Unit will meet on Sept. 16 at 1pm at the Extension Building. The Ozark Unit will meet on Sept. 17 at 9am at the Extension Building. The Tunnel Hill Unit will meet at the Tunnel Hill Community of Christ Church at 7pm on Sept. 23.
New members are invited to join either of the units.