By Dixie Terry
The Daniel Chapman Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) celebrated the U.S. Constitution Week on September 17-23.
A “Bell Ringing Ceremony,” along with a special program. was held on Tuesday, Sept. 17, which was designated as “Constitution Day.”
At 3 pm, those present on the lawn of the Vienna City Library
each rang a bell for one minute, as local church bells tolled in the background.
Tambra Cain served as the mistress of ceremonies and led in the “Pledge of Allegiance”; the “American’s Creed”; and “The Preamble to the Constitution.”
History Chair and DAR Regent Doda Starkey presented remarks.
David Oliver, President of the Johnson County Genealogical and Historical Society. introduced the guest speaker, Max Hutchison, a county historian and author, well-known around the county and beyond.
Hutchison spoke on those men who had signed the U.S. Constitution and gave an informative and interesting look into their lives.
The Posting of the Colors and the Retirement of the Colors was provided by two members of the Vienna High School FFA Chapter.
“Bells Across America” is an annual celebration of the signing of the U.S. Constitution as a reminder of the ringing of church bells across Philadelphia on Sept. 17, 1787 to celebrate the signing.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed “Constitution Week” into law on August 2, 1956, after the NSDAR led an effort to set aside a week to annually celebrate the signing of the U.S. Constitution.
The amazing document was created by a small group of dedicated leaders in only a few months, but it is unique to the world and has stood the test of time.
The members of the DAR Chapter who served as the Constitution co-chairs include: Jeanne Boglino. Pope County; Lee Hackney and Linda Hileman, Union County; Bonnie Hogue, Margaret Mathis, Cara Webb, Johnson County.