LOOKING BACK February 11, 1987
By Dixie Terry
In the February 11, 1987 edition of the local newspaper, this week’s “Teacher Highlights” introduced Mrs. Robby Gunn, the Resource Teacher for grades K-6, her second year at Goreville School. She has taught at Shawnee Community College and the Department of Corrections before coming to Goreville School.
Mrs. Gunn is the daughter of Bob and Lu Dean Evers and the granddaughter of the late P.D. Lentz and Ella Lentz, all of Cypress. She and her husband, Jerry, live in Cypress, with their two children, Jay, 8, and Jennifer, 4.
Hello World! Paul and Crystal Maze are proud to announce the arrival of their son, Seth Ira, born on Jan. 22, 1987. He was welcomed home by his big brother, Cody. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wollard and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maze, all of Goreville.
Wedding photos were seen of Elaine Statford and Carl Bridges, married in Bristol, England, on Oct. 11, 1986, and Teresa Lynn McCoy and Gregg Arlen Wiley, married in Elgin on Dec. 20, 1987.
Anniversaries were celebrated by Larry and Brenda Gurley on Feb. 1, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hiller on Feb. 14.
A “Thank You” from Jennie Anderson was seen, in appreciation of those who helped her get well after surgery.
The Eagle Point Bay Ladies Group, with Phyllis Boatright as hostess, and Mary Ruth Thompson providing homemade cinnamon rolls, had an enjoyable meeting in February.
Seven residents identified the Mystery Photo of last week, who was Gary Maze. The name of David Terry was drawn from those of Lorena Etheridge, Jeff Smith, Herschel Craig, Sherry Durham,
Cecile Morgan and Wynita Craig. David won an inside-outside car clean-up from Jeff’s Car Care.
Gary Mack Maze was born in Metropolis on March 1, 1942, to Ivan and Alltheia Black Maze.
He attended the Goreville schools and graduated from Goreville High in 1960.
Gary was married to Judy Kay Vancil in April, 1986 in Goreville. They have three children: Jeff, 26, Goreville; Connie Merriman, 22, Anna; and Anita Tripp, 21, Goreville.
Gary has worked at Pepsi Cola, RC Cola, Norge, and presently at Olin Corporation.
He is a member of the Goreville Pentecostal Church, where he has served as Sunday School teacher, Youth Leader, and has coached the Bible Quiz Team for many years.
He lists his hobby as fishing.
Ads were seen from these local businesses: The Flaming Pit Restaurant, Don’s Body Shop, M &M Ceramics, Goreville Super K, Goreville Concrete, Whitnel Funeral Home, Meredith Funeral Home, Jeff’s Car Care, and The Dinner Bell.
And so it was, on February 11, 1987, in Goreville and Lake of Egypt.