By Dixie Terry
The Johnson County Home and Community Education Board of the University of Illinois Extension held their monthly meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 2 at 9am at the U. of I. Extension Building in Vienna.
The meeting was called to order by President Natalie Dougherty. Other board members present were: Kim Collins, Rosemary Rouse, Dixie Terry, Faye Mize and Betty Yandell.
Reports were heard from 2nd Vice-President Kim Collins. who reported the membership dues are to be paid at the October and November unit meetings. Cultural Enrichment and Publicity Chair Dixie Terry distributed events of the area.
Betty Yandell gave the financial report that was approved for recording and auditing. Rosemary Rouse provided the minutes of the September meeting that were approved for recording.
International, Travel and Scholarship Chair Faye Mize reported on International Night, to be held on Oct. 15, with the country of study to be Malaysia. A potluck meal. provided by members, will be served at 6:30pm. The program will be presented by the State International Chair Janel Kassing.
Recipe books are available at the Extension Office.
Faye has also planned another trip, open to the public, for Sept. 8-13, 2025, to Mackinac Island. Contact her at 618-771-0066.
Plans are being made for an HCE bake sale on Monday, Nov. 25 and Tuesday, Nov. 26, 6-9pm,in the Vienna High School Commons.
A chili supper will be held at the cafeteria of the Goreville High School on Monday, Dec. 2, 5-7pm.
HCE Week will be observed on October 14-18.
Unit meetings for October will be as follows; Longview–Extension Building on Oct. 21 at 1pm; Ozark–Extension Building o n Oct. 22 at 9am; and Tunnel Hill, on Oct. 28, at 7pm at the Tunnel Hill Community of Christ Church.
Check out the Facebook Page for events, recipes and upcoming HCE happenings.
Continue to collect aluminum can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House in Nashville,Tn.
Any county woman interested in becoming an HCE member can contact Natalie Dougherty at 314-803-4881 or Kim Collins ar 618-658-3115.